Forming strong intention (Kasd) for committing a sin, then committing the sin for a little amount
will be insistence. Having "Kasd" will be through forming intention, through willing and through
deciding. If one decides and carries out the act then it will be insistence. If he steadily forms
intentions and steadily decides but never carries out the act then it will not be insistence. If he
continuously decides to do and commits the sin once and then repents and does not do it again
then it will not be insistence. If he does it one more time and then repents again still will not be
insistence. Doing many times during a day and repenting after each occurrence will not be
insistence. While one is repenting, one should feel sorry and discontinue sinning immediately as
well as intent not to do it again. Without doing these three conditions, just saying certain words
is no more than lying. Insisting on committing small sins is a grave sin. It is a greater sin than
committing a grave sin once. When he repents, the grave sin will also be forgiven. Considering
small sin as a small act is grave sin. Bragging about committing a small sin is grave sin. It would
also be grave sin if one presumes a person as a scholar (Alim) or pious (Salih) while that person
commits small sin. When one commits a small sin, one should be afraid of Allahu ta’ala and His
punishment. It is grave sin if one is not ashamed of Allahu ta’ala and does not think that He will